Rez Refuge
Commitment to people. Commitment to place.
Youth Development is the key to create a long-lasting collaborative community.
Our Vision
Build a community, welcome to all, with opportunities for young Navajo people to grow in reflection, cultural identity, work, and critical thinking.
Our Mission
We are young Navajo people committed to our people and our home.
Saturday, June 25, 2022 (6PM - 9PM)
All ages music event at our location in Fort Defiance, AZ.
About Us
Rez Refuge is a team of young Indigenous people working directly with parents, youth, local school districts, and entities to create a collaborative community for members of the Fort Defiance community and surrounding areas. Initiated as an After School Program, Rez Refuge, opened its doors to the local youth as a safe place to hang out afterschool.
During its evolution the organization began to introduce structured programming that incorporated holistic values along with the Erik Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development. The team recognized the need for personal healing and development, from various social expectations and historical trauma amongst our youth. In creating these program activities, we were able to collaborate with partners focused in the behavior health field to establish expectations when assessing community youth and consistency.
During the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic the organization made the conscious decision to close our doors to local youth and community members. Through family assessments during lockdown, we determined the next step for community security would be relief packs for isolated families and maintain community support through social media and care packages for the youth.
Today, we have combined our two areas of success—Community Outreach and Youth Development. Please explore our website and social sites to learn more about our work.
By nurturing facets of youth development, we can assist in establishing a solid foundation for future community leaders.
Improving the quality of life in community members through simple home maintenance; cold-weather preparation; access to clean water; and supplies during isolation.
Creating a collaborative community for our people, we engage and inspire our youth through activities related to S.T.E.A.M. and leadership development.
Partnering with local entities serving members of Fort Defiance, Arizona; we assist through volunteering manpower and distribution efforts.
Discover how Rez Refuge fulfills its mission and faced the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic
We thank Rez Refuge for not only having a positive impact on our youth but our community as well.
Shylah James, Parent
Rez Refuge exists to bring youth together to learn and grow in service to community, the environment, and ultimately, their own development.
Past Supporters